Catholic People's Weeks
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Community • Prayer • Friendships

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About CPW

CPW is a volunter-led charity that runs holidays that 'make a difference' - known as Catholic People's Weeks. The organisation's mission, and therefore the mission of each event, is to revitalise the heart, mind and spirit of Catholic people today. From weekends to week-long holidays, we hope that you will find events that nourish your faith, ignite your intellect, inspire social action, challenge your understanding, invite creativity, and enrich you with friendships old and new.

CPW have been running holidays for Catholic people for almost 80 years - our experience, and the dedication and passion of our members, enables us to run holidays that are full faith, food for thought, fun and friendships.

We love welcoming new members of all ages and we can't wait to meet you on an upcoming week. 

Online Events and Wednesday Prayer

This last year has brought many challenges for an organisation that usually meet in-person for residential events. Although many of our in-person events were postponed in 2020, we have been meeting as a community online and we excited to resume live events soon.

Our virtual events continued through 2021 and 2022, and we will continue with a mix of both virtual and in-person events, details of which can be found on the Upcoming Events page of our site.

Since the beginning of lockdown CPW have also been meeting online every Wednesday evening for prayer. You can find all the dates and details on the CPW Wednesday Prayer page.

Upcoming Events



 From serious research to practical application, learning with CPW covers a full spectrum. Knowledgeable guides encourage us to explore our faith through scholarly interpretation, dialogue, response and immersive engagement. The classic definition of Theology as ‘Faith Seeking Understanding’ describes our learning style perfectly. To find out more about how attendees learn with CPW, click on the link below.



There is more to CPW than formal learning. We exercise the heart and soul as well as the mind. Art, drama and music all play their part in our programme, which also includes swimming, walking, cycling and team sports dependant upon our various venues.



Each CPW event forms a unique community brought together with a single shared aim: to know and love God better by knowing and loving each other better. This is fun and challenging, offering the reward of life-long authentic friendships. Each event is run by volunteers from the CPW community and there are loads of opportunities to get involved - from speaking at a week, to looking after the children and young people as a trained 'helper', to organising or chairing a week, to sharing your musical talents at community events. To learn more about how you can share your talents with the CPW community, click the link below.

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CPW Prayer is threaded through all our activities. Everything we do is brought, shared, offered and celebrated before and with God. We pray constantly, using words if necessary. When we have a priest chaplain with us we celebrate the Eucharist daily, joyously and thankfully.


Find out more

If you're interested in CPW, but you'd like to know a bit more before booking onto an event, please contact us using the form below. One of the team will be in touch with more information, or to arrange a call to answer your questions.

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